Now, "based on the feedback received, FDOT will continue with only elements of the Thomasville Road resurfacing work," a ...
The Florida Department of Transportation won’t move forward with a proposal to remove the left-center turn lane on ...
The Florida Department of Transportation rolls back on Thomasville Road plans following public input. FDOT says they'll only ...
The Florida Department of Transportation is hosting a community meeting Tuesday to listen to residents' and business owners' ...
The center left-turn lane will be removed, and sidewalk expansions, lighting improvements and underground utility ...
THOMASVILLE- The February meeting of the Thomasville Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) featured a program by Anne McCudden, Executive Director of the Thomasville ...
He added that Blueprint has not approached the department with an alternate proposal yet, but Calder told the Democrat that ...
For now, the plan remains to eliminate the road's center turn lane and make it one way southbound for up to two years.
The Florida Department of Transportation is stepping back from a proposal to remove the center turn lane on Thomasville Road in Midtown. Residents and business owners largely opposed the plan that ...
The U.S. Navy Band’s Southeastern "Mega Tour" includes a stop in Thomasville, bringing a mix of patriotic songs, Broadway hits, and a special tribute for local veterans.
Launched by former Tallahassee Democrat Publisher Skip Foster and his PR and marketing firm Hammerhead Communications, Red ...