The Lisu or Yobin community of Arunachal Pradesh hosts the Kho Shi Pai festival, showcasing their heritage amid ongoing ...
This observed genetic affinity reflected the primary ancestry of high-altitude Tibeto-Burman speakers originated from the Neolithic farming populations in the Yellow River Basin. The identified ...
The Indic (or the Indo-Aryan) languages in the Northern states, together with the Dravidic languages in the South and the Tibeto-Burman languages in the Northeast, each with a great variety of sub ...
Trongsa—Sixty-seven-year-old Nakari from Jangbi, Trongsa, is the last person in the Mon community to wear the ancestral pagay, a symbol of Monpa culture that faded in the 1960s in favour of the gho ...
Does India have a language policy? The answer is no because the three-language formula (TLF) is just that— a formula. A policy would be rooted in some theoretical understanding about the nature, ...
Nearly 50% of the population speaks Nepali, the Nepali language, but there are more than 125 dialects of Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Burman groups officially recognized by the state. The population of the ...
Religare Enterprises Ltd (REL) has withdrawn its appeal at the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) against a Competition Commission of India (CCI) order that allowed four Burman Family ...
The dataset, archived at the Indian Biological Data Center in Faridabad, spans India’s four major linguistic families — Indo-European, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic, and Tibeto-Burman — offering ...
The Burman family today acquired control of Delhi based financial services firm, Religare Enterprises and were designated as its promoters after almost 18 month of a take over battle. "We are grateful ...