Jonathan Powell played a crucial role in securing peace in Northern Ireland — and his much-hyped skills as a negotiator are ...
Tony Blair has extended the hand of friendship to Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the man once dubbed a 'Mad Dog' by US President Ronald Reagan. The historic meeting took place in a tent ...
BBC deputy political editor James Landale says: There were a few pre-match nerves when Tony Blair walked in but nothing like his appearance last year when his hands were visibly shaking. He sat down ...
FORMER UK prime minister Tony Blair said on Monday it was critical Africa be allowed to focus on fossil fuels in order to ...
Last night it was reported that Sir Keir's plan to hand over the Chagos Islands has ... fury after handing a top Government job to Tony Blair's former Chief of Staff, who negotiated the recent ...
Sir Tony Blair has been no stranger to public appearances ... which acquired and marketed second-hand models. GEMS typically sold dummies that previously belonged to Madame Tussauds.