Commentary: The M4 MacBook Air has all the power and ports I need. But I could use one Pro feature that's still not an option ...
根据苹果官网最新回收政策,iPhone 14 Pro Max的回收估价从此前的最高650美元降至不足400美元,跌幅近40%。更早的机型如iPhone 8系列则直接失去现金回收资格,仅支持免费环保拆解。这一现象同样波及其他产品线:MacBook Pro的高端机型回收价从1070美元峰值腰斩,2014年前发布的MacBook Air等设备仅提供免费回收;iPad和Apple ...
Apple started offering "extra credit" for Mac trade-ins in the U.S. and select other countries, but the offer is ...
2025年1月,苹果公司对其官方换购计划(Apple Trade In)进行了重大调整,老款产品的回收价值遭遇"雪崩式"下跌,令不少消费者惊呼心疼。经典机型的回收价格暴跌,甚至有些早已遗忘的型号面临"归零"的命运,这一决策迅速引发了社交平台上的热议,不少用户对此表示不满,指出苹果此举明显是在"降低换机的吸引力"。而苹果官方的回应则是"这一调整基于设备当前市场价值"。
Now, if you’re looking for the more powerful pro-grade M4 chip, the model mentioned above at $1,749.99 is your best bet – it ...
Long gone are the days when 13-inch laptops have had to sacrifice performance in favour of portability. And no more is that ...
So I get it. A Mac user wants a new computer; they're going to buy a Mac. The the MacBook Air has Apple's latest M4 chip, and ...
Apple has yet to officially announce the MacBook Pro M5. However, given that the company typically releases new MacBook Pro models in October, we could see successors to the MacBook Pro 14-inch M4 ...