The Cuban Tree Frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) has made its way to Jamaica, bringing with it significant ecological and ...
Science taught me something today. Tree frogs might be the best athletes on the planet, pound for pound. Look. I know that sounds stupid. They can’t windmill a basketball at 40 years old like ...
"Plants are a worthy option, and they don't have to be your typical water lilies. Hydroponic plants work, as do the cheaper common grass plants. Bromeliads are a frog's natural place to hang out, but ...
What if you could detect allergens even better, so that before you even put something in your mouth, you knew whether it was dangerous? And what if frogs could help you do it?
The next time you declare that you are “freezing to death,” spare a thought for the wood frog who gets so cold in winter that its heart stops beating – but it does not die. Once the spring thaw ...
"I saw this beautiful frog, took a photo, put it on the website and a couple of days later people told me it is invasive," Mr Moretto said. The amphibian, which turned out to be a Peron's tree ...
A Colombian tree-frog found in a bunch of roses at a Sheffield florist is a warning of the rising danger of invasive species found on imported plants, scientists have said. A growing number of ...
As its name suggests, the magnificent tree frog (Litoria splendida ... and it would be a pity to take it away from its natural habitat,” says Barker. “We’ll leave it to live out its days ...
However, one frog species, mainly, has gained a reputation as being especially cute – the tree frog. With their big eyes, colorful bodies, and adorable expressions, tree frogs have become a favorite ...
They say you have to kiss a bunch of frogs before you find your prince – hopefully before you kiss this one! In this article, we’ll examine these incredible creatures: their habitats, diets, defense ...