No matter the house, plugs, sockets and switches are bound to be in every room. Flipped on, dimmed and pulled at, these design details are put to use each day but they're something we tend to stop ...
SOCKET 控制功能,是 DG-LAB APP 通过 Socket 服务连接到外部第三方控制端,控制端通过 SOCKET 向 APP 发送数据指令使郊狼进行脉冲输出的功能。开发者可以通过网页,游戏,脚本或其他终端在局域网环境或公网环境中对郊狼进行控制。 该功能仅支持 郊狼脉冲主机 3.0 ...
In order to create separation of concerns within your application (for example per module, or based on permissions), Socket.IO allows you to create several Namespaces, which will act as separate ...