PANews 1月20日消息,以太坊社区成员fishbiscuit(@not_qz)发推回应社区对基金会的多项质疑,澄清以下事实: 1. 社交媒体活跃度:与Solana基金会类似 ...
一项最新民意调查结果揭示,格陵兰岛约有57.3%的居民赞同美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普的提议,希望该岛能成为美国的一部分。 周一,美国研究机构 ...
FFmpeg Batch AV Converter is an ffmepg gui, a front-end for Windows and Linux using Wine-Mono, that allows the use of the full potential of ffmpeg command line with a few mouse clicks in a convenient ...
If you wish to elevate and always run a Batch file as an administrator in Windows 11/10, follow the procedure laid down in this post. You can run a Batch file as Administrator without a prompt.