Originally from Poland, the North Bennet Street School department head of violin making and repair is an expert in the ...
This weekend in Des Moines see comedian Rob Schneider, kids' play 'Knuffle Bunny,' The Nadas, and Black Violin.
One week in May is London Craft Week, during which a couple of hundred events across London are crammed into just a few days.
Richland Library's Read Freely Fest runs Friday through Sunday; also on the list: craft beer, mac & cheese, comedy, and lots ...
The Rainy River District of the Performing Arts is gearing up for their 83rd season kicking off early next month, and have ...
Read Freely Fest is finally here. Kicking off this Friday, March 28, and running through Sunday, March 30 at Richland Library ...
Downtown Kenosha Catholic parishes will commemorate the 340th birthday of composer Johann Sebastian Bach with a free ...
Slay doesn’t always slay, but it’s funny, subversive comedy horror – a Sapphic slasher that should amuse fans of the Scream ...
The submission deadline for announcements is noon Wednesday a week prior to the next Wednesday’s publication. Submissions ...
It will be a weekend of music, food and fun with a variety of events happening around the Dan River Region.
Imagine Dragons talk about their concert documentary, having a song on the moon and working with the LA Film Orchetra.