With Spurr rumbling near Anchorage, let's look at some of the largest eruptions in the most volcanically active state of the ...
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have carried out an unprecedentedly detailed survey of pumice rafts in the aftermath of the 2021 Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba volcanic eruption in Japan.
What’s next? Lava is erupting from several volcanoes, including one in Hawaii. Nearly 50 volcanic eruptions have been recorded this year, and more are expected. The Axial Seamount, an underwater ...
Stephanie Coral Browitt escaped death following the 2019 White Island eruption. After recovering for years from third-degree burns that covered 70 percent of her body and eight finger amputations, she ...
MAUMERE, Indonesia--Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency said Monday that at least 10 people have died as a series of volcanic eruptions widens on the remote island of Flores.
A government panel has compiled a set of actions for residents to take in the event of a major eruption of Mount ...
A large-scale eruption occurred in 2020, spewing out volcanic ash. Smaller eruptions ... thousands arrived to breed on the island in 2021. However, numerous abandoned eggs were found near nests.
Deadliest volcanic eruption: The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which killed up to 100,000 people From lava fountains to towering ash clouds, volcanoes produce some of the most ...
This beautiful drone footage perfectly captures the breathtaking scenery that formed after the Geldingadalir volcano eruption. Recorded by Jan Horak on March 23, 2021, this clip highlights the ...
Perhaps the most unusual weather event was a volcanic eruption that once caused hundreds of entrants to miss the race.