Just about any 3D printer can be satisfying to watch as it works, but delta-style printers are especially hypnotic. There’s just something about the way that three linear motions add up to all ...
Got a Flipper Zero? Ever wanted to use a high-level but powerful scripting language on it? Thanks to [Oliver] we now have a MicroPython application for the Flipper, complete with a library for ...
The website should now be running on (or a port shown on the terminal).
Every one of Sims 4's expansions and packs also has its own set of cheats. Usually, those cheats are tied to the jobs, deaths, and traits that are unique to that expansion or pack. We've organized ...
Reading death threats sent by vegan "fundamentalists" was Neil Rankin's first introduction to plant-based food. The Cordon Bleu-trained chef had just opened a nose-to-tail barbecue restaurant ...
The first rule of extreme day-tripping is the shorter, the better. An overnight stay is tolerated, two nights barely, but the real winner is managing to cram a visit to a European destination into ...
Read on for a whole range of recommendations for March 15 and 16, handpicked as always by The Slice. The Slice is your weekly guide to what’s happening in London, so if you’re looking for restaurant ...
A wolf in lamb’s clothing. The thieves could have made more by shorting all crypto-currencies than from the hack itself, as $300 billion of value was wiped out in the next day or two.
The hack and slash genre has been around for many years, and for good reason. Whilst there is a joy in seeing through a well-written story, or whizzing round lifelike racetracks, sometimes it’s ...
ENERGY bills are set to rise yet again this April, adding further pressure to households already struggling with the cost of ...