More than 118 million children had their schooling interrupted in April alone, UNICEF said, as large parts of the Middle East ...
Extreme weather disrupted the schooling of about 242 million children in 85 countries last year -- roughly one in seven ...
flooding and other extreme weather, the United Nations Children’s Fund said in a new report Friday. UNICEF said it amounted to one in seven school-going children across the world being kept out ...
flooding and other extreme weather, the United Nations Children's Fund said in a new report Friday. UNICEF said it amounted to one in seven school-going children across the world being kept out of ...
The report reveals that heatwaves, cyclones, floods, and other extreme weather events led to multiple rounds of school ...
flooding and other extreme weather, the United Nations Children's Fund said in a new report Friday. UNICEF said it amounted to one in seven school-going children across the world being kept out of ...