Atrium water seal chest drains set the standard for ease of use, speed of set up, and high performance vacuum control. When it comes to monitoring small changes in patient drainage, fast ...
Columbus City Utilities (CCU) board members are discussing beginning to dry biosolids and embarking on a new project to enable that, something officials said is in utility’s best interest for ...
A good set of chainsaw gloves not only resists the cut of a chainsaw blade but will also protect your hands when you grip ...
"I went to Williamsburg Bathhouse last Sunday and got a terrible UTI within 48 hours," one commenter said, adding that they ...
Stay dry = stay alive! Steel conducts heat away faster than water Example: Generally conductive heat loss accounts for only about 2% of overall loss. However, with wet clothes the loss is increased 5x ...
Visitors and residents are concerned about big developments coming to Everglades City. Though it's a tourist town, they say the community is delicate.