Propagation is a great way to grow your houseplant collection and expand your indoor gardening skills. Here’s how to do it right, according to a plant expert. As far as your plants’ needs are ...
Sharing plant cuttings is a free and environmentally friendly way to grow your plant collection. You just have to know where ...
Learning how to propagate a snake plant allows you to add new plants to your collection at no cost or share them with others.
Plants that are produced by artificial propagation are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. A group like this is called a clone. Advantages for the plant of carrying out asexual ...
Layering is a simple form of propagation which consists of bending ... It can then be severed from its parent to produce a new plant. Select a non-flowering shoot that's strong and healthy.
Hydrangeas are one of the most popular garden plants, but they can be a little tricky to grow from cuttings. However, ...
"It can be disheartening to see your plants and flowers dwindling after winter, propagation is the best way to bring your ...