Let’s start with the largest class of wheat grown in the United States – Hard Red Winter (HRW). Part of the answer for new-crop fundamentals will come from old-crop supply and demand. At the ...
In Zimbabwe, winter crops that are predominantly cultivated include wheat, barley and oats as grains and diverse horticultural crops. Among these, wheat is the most significant cultivated winter ...
When it comes to the CME's Variable Storage Rate program for wheat, I'm for increasing the storage rate for both winter markets and leaving them at the higher levels. At the current official ...
Spring wheat markets have been trending sideways during the past week after dropping like a stone over the past month.
A farmer in south-central South Dakota says there’s last minute planting decisions being made as small grain planting continues. “I hate to say it, but there’s a lot of skepticism, not a lot of ...
A farmer in south central South Dakota says widespread dryness has been good for spring fieldwork, but not good for winter ...
Now, farmers across a state that typically accounts for 25% of the total winter wheat production in the U.S. are staring at a bleak picture for crop prospects this year. Doug Keesling farms near ...
With the harvest still at least three months away, the U.S. winter wheat crop is starting to break dormancy and resume growth.
ZIMBABWE has announced an ambitious plan to cultivate 120 000 hectares of winter wheat in 2025. The initiative is expected to yield a record-breaking 600 000 tonnes, surpassing last year’s 562 591 ...