Find out when to prune a butterfly bush and how to make the right cuts to enjoy more flowers on this fast-growing shrub.
One of the fastest-growing flowering shrubs, a butterfly bush can easily put on 5 feet or more of new growth in a single season. Learning how and when to prune a butterfly bush can help you keep ...
One of the subjects I get asked about the most is how and when to prune trees and shrubs. Unfortunately the answer can be somewhat complicated. If you prune at […] ...
You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job ...
Trimming bushes is an essential part of bush maintenance and health. However, there are times when trimming your bushes is not recommended. Knowing when not to trim your bushes is just as important as ...
Likely, the end of winter signaled the start of your spring garden to-do list. Finish up your pre-growing-season chores by ...
If you’ve got Buddleja (butterfly bush), Caryopteris, Hydrangea paniculata, Lavatera, or hardy fuchsia, give them a trim now to encourage lush new growth. Clematis and Jasmine If you did not ...