TTC Horticulture's annual spring sale is approaching. It's time to plant warm-season annuals. They need lots of sunlight and ...
Don Kinzler writes: "We can help our wintered plants prepare for another outdoor growing season with a few simple tips." ...
Otherwise, rhododendrons require very little pruning unless branches are dead or injured. If you have older shrubs that have ...
It is officially spring; the province is thawing out and coming back to life once again following a lengthy and frigid winter ...
Looking to fill those pesky gaps in your flowerbeds? Consider some of these popular and easy-care herbs that can also add ...
Pussy willow can be part of a home landscape if you have a site with plenty of space, full sun and moist soil.
The best way to support and maintain a healthy sustainable community is by protecting wildlife, birds and pollinators.
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice on firespikes, St. Augustine lawns, allamanda, baghiagrass, roebelinii and ...
Azaleas are ubiquitous in the South and seem to have loved the cold weather this past winter. The evergreen varieties were ...
Spring is full of so many beautiful aromas, uplifting our yards and making them an even more pleasant place to be ...
A key springtime marker that attracts 1.5 million visitors to the nation's capital each year hit a major milestone.
Discover how to grow and care for zinnias with our comprehensive guide. Learn about planting techniques, ideal growing ...