The wood frog survives extreme winter temperatures by freezing solid, with its heart stopping for nearly eight months. It uses its natural antifreeze, a mix of glucose and urine constituents ...
The next time you snivel, "I am freezing to death," you might want to consider the wood frog, which withstands such bone-chilling cold in winter that its heart stops beating yet does not die.
Early March contains the first harbingers of the shifting seasons. The temperature starts to fitfully rise, the sun stays out for longer – noticeably, as we spring forward the clocks – and after dusk ...
Perhaps we admire the vulnerability of an animal butt because we do our best to hide our own. One of the cutest butts in the natural world undoubtedly belongs to the desert rain frog. It’s small, ...
In addition to everything else that my medical team has documented, including conditions that have varied from cardiac ...
Warming of the planet and drought conditions will disproportionately affect frogs and toads in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforests, according to an international survey. The research, originally ...
"The Western chorus frog sounds a lot like if you ran your fingernail across the teeth of a comb," Salehpour explains. The Western chorus frog is about the same size as the spring peeper and likes ...
Female frogs mimic the male’s release call with a deep, low-frequency sound like a grunt. This lets the male know she’s not interested in mating. Females also voice their displeasure with a ...
In harmony, hundreds of wood frogs were calling, making a lower-pitched sound more like hens clucking or ducks quacking. In the pool, the frogs were chasing, tangling and whirling with each other ...
“Flood Safety Awareness Week is our yearly reminder to put safety first and remember the functions and values of Vermont’s floodplains.” said DEC Commissioner Jason Batchelder. “These vital areas ...
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Shon Walters' furniture and functional art business, Eccentric Wood. He has made his living off of consistent commissions throughout the years. He was the sole ...