Groundbreaking implant ... conventional cochlear implants with external audio processors. One anticipated serious adversity observed during the study period completely resolved after treatment.
About three weeks after surgery, an audiologist will turn the device on to allow access to sound. After this activation, the child may require additional appointments with an audiologist to customize ...
In 2008 I was implanted in both ears. Of course, I hoped for a miracle. Straight after my cochlear implants were activated (a process sometimes called 'switch-on') I couldn't resist playing a song ...
During cochlear implant (CI) surgery ... Ten patients undergoing CI surgery underwent intraoperative intracochlear (IC) ECochG during and after electrode insertion using a research tool provided by ...
That's why thousands of hearing loss patients have turned to the doctors and researchers of the Cochlear Implant Program at University of Iowa Health Care in Iowa City. Dr. Bruce Gantz pioneered ...
The Carver's did as so many have done over recent decades. They turned to the talented doctors and researchers of the Cochlear Implant Program at University of Iowa Health Care in Iowa City.
It is a very early sign of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding occurs about 10-14 days after the egg is fertilized. Unfortunately, that’s about the time your period starts. Implantation bleeding is ...