From the beginning, we have had plenty of heroes and villains from the Marvel universe. However, with each season, the developers have promised to add one or more characters. To help you keep up, we ...
The rumors surrounding Marvel Studios’ X-Men reboot keep on adding, and the latest name in the mix is ‘Avatar’ franchise star Jack Champion. According to a trusted insider, Champion is being ...
but what the hero shooter really needs is MODOK Let’s all put some much-deserved respect on Scott Summers’ name Advertisement Marvel’s mutants could learn a thing or two from Atlus From ...
As a former host to the Phoenix Force himself, Quentin knows all too well how it responds to extreme emotion. (Image Source: Marvel / Netho Diaz & Sean Parsons) Cyclops replies that he can’t ...
According to scooper @MyTimeToShineH, "Jack Champion (Avatar, Scream 6) is being considered for the role of Cyclops in the X-Men reboot." The rising star is likely one of many actors being ...