Yes, there are 2 direct trains that run between Gomti Nagar and Satna. These include Garib Rath, Mail Express and Super Fast trains. The distance between Gomti Nagar and Satna is approximately 641 ...
There are 6 direct trains that run between Manikpur Junction and Charlapalli. The train schedules consist of 6 weekly trains. These include Mail Express and Super Fast trains. The distance between ...
An unidentified man was struck and killed by a 7 train on Friday morning at the Junction Boulevard station above Roosevelt Avenue in Corona. Service was disrupted in both directions from Flushing ...
A man in France has been fined $200 for using the speakerphone on his cell while in a train station. The man, who has only been identified as “David,” told an interviewer from CNN affiliate ...
Police have charged two more teenagers following the stabbing death of 25-year-old Jack Westren near Shellharbour Junction train station last week. Proudly Illawarra Mercury since 2011 ...
Police have now charged four people in connection to a fatal incident near an Illawarra train station last month with two 13-year-old boys the latest to be arrested and hauled before the courts.
Examples in Cuiabá and Canoas show how vulnerable Brazilian urban rail projects are to changes in local politics, as well as the temptation of alternative modes which are seen as less complex, even if ...