既是乐迷也是影迷的朋友,一定有关注到最近上映了一部鲍勃·迪伦的传记片《无名小辈》,在电影里饰演这位传奇音乐人的,正是当今的好莱坞当红炸子鸡——「甜茶」提莫西·查拉梅 (Timothée Chalamet)。
On March 16, the electrifying matchup between the youthful Pistons and the Oklahoma City Thunder showcased the potential of emerging talents in the NBA. This game caught the attention of fans when the ...
天后再临!靠着一曲〈Can't Get You Out of My Head〉红遍全球排行、〈Padam Padam〉再次翻红乐坛,不败性感女神凯莉米洛(Kylie Minogue),15日晚间带着世界巡迴《Kylie Minogue: ...
Ebrahim Rasool, South Africa's expelled ambassador, has been given 72 hours to leave the United States.
• 特朗普在其首个任期内或许曾视股市为政绩晴雨表,但如今这位总统及其经济团队官员似乎愿意承受短期经济阵痛,以重塑美国经济。这使得债券对投资者更具吸引力,他们可能会提高对美联储降息的预期。