The elusive frog Alsodes vittatus has been found after 130 years, emphasizing gaps in knowledge and conservation needs in ...
A rare amphibian once thought to be extinct has resurfaced in Chile, marking a remarkable scientific breakthrough. Alsodes ...
A frog species, Alsodes vittatus, believed extinct since 1893, has been rediscovered in Chile. Scientists from the University ...
本报讯 一个“销声匿迹”130余年的青蛙物种重新在智利现身。智利康塞普西翁大学的研究团队宣布,他们成功找到了自1893年首次发现后就杳无踪迹的“条纹桫椤蛙(Alsodes ...
A rare frog thought to be lost forever has reappeared. Scientists in Chile have confirmed the rediscovery of Alsodes vittatus ...
一个“销声匿迹”130余年的青蛙物种在智利再次现身。智利康塞普西翁大学的研究团队宣布,他们成功找到了自1893年首次被发现后就杳无踪迹的“条纹桫椤蛙(Alsodes vittatus)”。这一罕见发现日前已发表在期刊《生物钥匙》上,对南美洲两栖动物学研究和南部地区生物多样性保护具有重要意义。
Biologists searched. Nature enthusiasts kept their eyes open. But Alsodes vittatus remained stubbornly invisible, known only from a single preserved specimen and the yellowed pages of a century ...
Ammon News - A team of researchers has rediscovered a frog species which has not been seen in more than 130 years. First described in 1902, Alsodes vittatus had evaded detection since then, despite ...
This startling discovery was announced by a group of Chilean and international researchers. First described in 1902, the species Alsodes vittatus had not appeared in any scientific records for more ...
A team of researchers has rediscovered a frog species which has not been seen in more than 130 years. First described in 1902, Alsodes vittatus had evaded detection since then, despite multiple search ...