Kris Mayes is sending out letters on the planned enforcement to retailers as well as to law enforcement agencies, encouraging ...
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes aims to crack down on business that sell THC-infused products without a proper license.
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes this week sent letters to retailers and law enforcement officials, saying it is illegal ...
Arizona’s attorney general issued a stern warning to Valley businesses, reminding retailers that selling THC products without ...
Attorney General Kris Mayes issued letters to Arizona law enforcement agencies and retailers yesterday, making it clear that ...
Sales of THC-infused products in Arizona anywhere but at licensed marijuana stores is illegal and enforcement will begin April 24.
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is warning local retailers that it is considered illegal to sell cannabis-infused ...
The Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes told retailers that all THC products must be sold in licensed dispensaries, including ...
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is sending a warning to businesses about illegal THC sales. She says retailers will face ...
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has issued an official opinion requiring unlicensed retailers to cease the sale of ...