An archaeological discovery in Mongolia reveals the remains of Han warriors, victims of a brutal execution more than two millennia ago. This find sheds new light on burial practices and ...
An ancient mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in southern Mongolia contains the dismembered bodies of soldiers who fought in [ ...
Archaeologists in Mongolia have uncovered a mass grave of Han warriors who fought against the Xiongnu over 2,000 years ago.
Archaeologists in southern Mongolia have uncovered a mass grave containing the remains of Han soldiers who fought against the nomadic Xiongnu people more than 2,000 years ago. The discovery at the ...
Genetic analysis of skeletons in a mass grave in Mongolia has revealed they were soldiers in the Han-Xiongnu Wars more than ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in Mongolia containing the remains of soldiers from the Han-Xiongnu War.
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2009年,由俄罗斯和蒙古国考古学家组成的“中央亚细亚”联合科考队,对位于蒙古国南戈壁省的巴彦布拉格(Bayanbulag)西汉要塞遗址进行了考古发掘。此次发掘围绕遗址的三个地点展开:1号发掘地点,发现有大量中国古代士兵的遗骸;2号发掘地点,对墙体及土窑洞进行 ...
研究论文 "Bioarchaeological perspectives on the ancient Han-Xiongnu war: Insights from the Iron Age site of Bayanbulag"于 2月 20日发表于国际权威期刊《 Journal of Archaeological Science》 ...