Bolt Graphics announces Zeus, a completely new GPU design for high performance workloads including rendering, HPC, and gaming. Zeus addresses performance, efficiency, and functionality limitations ...
Hail Zeus Bolt Graphics, a startup out of Sunnyvale, California, has announced its Zeus GPU platform, promising to thrash ...
2025年3月,Bolt Graphics发布的Zeus GPU是一款专为高性能计算(HPC)、实时光线追踪渲染和专业图形工作负载设计的革命性产品。核心目标是通过架构创新,解决传统GPU在能效、扩展性和专用计算能力上的瓶颈。
Bolt Graphics, a GPU startup from Sunnyvale, California, this week introduced its Zeus GPU platform that is designed for ...
The Zeus GPU is said to be "orders of magnitude" faster than existing solutions on the market. Thanks to its expandable memory, Zeus cards can accommodate ...
IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,GPU 初创企业 Bolt Graphics 当地时间昨日宣布推出 Zeus 架构 GPU。 Zeus 架构 GPU 采用高能效比的高性能设计,瞄准 HPC、路径追踪渲染、游戏用例。相对竞品其具备更强大的路径追踪(Bolt Graphics 宣称可达传统 GPU 十倍)和 FP64 算力,但 FP32、FP16 ...
SUNNYVALE, Calif., March 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Bolt Graphics announces Zeus, a completely new GPU design for high performance workloads including rendering, HPC, and gaming. Zeus addresses ...
Zeus 系列 GPU 采用了芯粒(Chiplet)式设计,每个完整芯片包含 1、2、4 个计算芯粒。计算芯粒内部采用了基于 RISC-V 底层的自定义可扩展架构,结合了矢量引擎和其它加速器。