• 比亚迪(BYD)凭借最新创新技术,市值再创新高,达到近1,600亿美元,而埃隆·马斯克旗下的汽车制造商股价暴跌,却让特斯拉(Tesla)的做空者赚得盆满钵满。马斯克参与政治似乎正在伤害他的公司,因为“购买特斯拉的可不是穿牛仔靴的人”。
The announcement positions BYD ahead of arch-rival Tesla, whose Superchargers currently offer charging speeds of 500 kW. BYD ...
中国乘用车市场信息联席会(Passenger Car ...
Dopo il calo delle vendite in Europa, Tesla affronta un pesante ribasso anche in Cina, dove le spedizioni sono scese del 49%.
欧洲车市销量数据显示,比亚迪1月在英国、西班牙和葡萄牙等市场销量反超特斯拉。比亚迪在欧洲多国销量大增,其中在英国、西班牙和葡萄牙的月 ...
China is a major market for Tesla, where the company has two factories and is trying to compete with fast-growing domestic manufacturers. Tuesday's statement follows an announcement by Chinese ...