在音乐的星空中,Kehlani无疑是一颗璀璨的明星。即将到来的CRASH WORLD TOUR,如同一场视觉与听觉的盛宴,号召我们一同见证她的音乐旅程。这场演出不仅是她强势回归的标志,更是她与歌迷之间心灵深处的悸动。在这次巡演中,Kehlani将为我们奉上心爱的经典热单以及全新佳作。这不禁让我想起她的一句经典歌词:“Love is the answer.”,恰如其分地道出了音乐对她的意义,也传达了 ...
Eighteen bodies have been recovered from the Potomac River following the collision of a passenger plane and an Army Blackhawk helicopter near the Reagan National Airport here on Wednesday, local media ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said on social media Friday that the Black Hawk helicopter was "flying too high" when it collided with a passenger jet that was approaching the runway at the Reagan ...
Footage from the aftermath of the Philadelphia plane crash reveals a deep crater formed in the ground. 1架医疗后送专机1月31日在美国费城市区坠毁,造成至少7人丧生,其中包括机上的6名墨西哥人,以及1名地面人员,另造成19人受伤。外电报导,飞机在空中仅飞行了一分钟就坠毁!最新曝光的影片显示,飞机 ...