Doctor Yellow Shinkansen trains have long served railway safety by testing tracks and overhead wires on the Tokaido and Sanyo ...
Fans washed the Shinkansen inspection train known as Doctor Yellow in an event held by Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) ...
The "Doctor Yellow" T4 edition track-testing bullet train for Japan's high-speed shinkansen lines arrives at JR Tokyo Station ...
The iconic Doctor Yellow, a brightly colored train that has patrolled the Shinkansen tracks for 24 years, arrived at Tokyo ...
The iconic "Doctor Yellow" Shinkansen train of Central Japan Railway Company, or JR Tokai, has completed its final track ...
Rail fans bid farewell to one of Japan's iconic "Doctor Yellow" bullet trains, used to diagnose faults on the country's ...
The iconic "Doctor Yellow" train belonging to Central Japan Railway, or JR Central, arrived at Tokyo Station on Wednesday after completing its final inspection of tracks on the Tokaido Shinkansen line ...
【共同社1月16日电】日本东海铁路公司(JR东海)15日宣布,本月即将退役的东海道山阳新干线检测列车“Doctor Yellow”(黄医生)的车头6月前后起将在其运营的“磁悬浮与铁道馆”(名古屋市港区)对外展示。社长丹羽俊介在名古屋举行例行记者会,表示“欢迎 ...
18, 2024. (Kyodo) NAGOYA (Kyodo) -- Central Japan Railway Co. plans to test a pet-friendly car on the Tokaido Shinkansen, Japan's busiest bullet train line linking Tokyo and Osaka, allowing ...
More than two dozen internationally-trained family doctors are now treating patients in Ontario as part of an expedited licensing program that missed its initial target for 2024. Despite the ...