— 据美国哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS News)周一报道,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普已选择提名苏珊·莫纳雷兹 (Susan Monarez)担任疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC)主任。莫纳雷兹目前正担任该公共卫生机构的代理主任。
【本报讯】Adaro集团与住房和安置区部(PKP)建造500套低收入人群组屋,举行奠基仪式。 Adaro Andalan Indonesia公司总监兼Adaro ...
【本报讯】Alamtri Resources Indonesia (ADRO)公司更名并放弃对Adaro Group动力煤业务的控制权后,正聚焦于发展更可持续性的业务,除了冶金煤之外,ADRO公司还也在开发矿产和可再生能源业务。
3月24日晚,@比亚迪汽车 发布2024年财报,核心指标均创历史新高!营业收入7771亿元,同比增29%;净利润403亿元,同比增34%;研发投入542亿元,同比增36%,累计研发投入超1800亿元;国内纳税总额510亿元,远超同期净利润;现金储备1549亿元,财务状况更加稳健。
BEIJING, Mar 24 (China Economic Net) -“I think China's economy will continue to grow strongly by around 5% for the next five years,” said Ian Goldin, Professor of the Oxford Martin School and former V ...
China will allow commercial banks to raise individual consumption loans' maximum amount to 500,000 yuan from 300,000 yuan and extend the credit line of personal internet consumption loans to 300,000 ...
"China is changing the operating system of its economy to unleash new quality productive forces," he stated, providing his interpretation of the government work report delivered by Premier Li Qiang at ...
截至2025年1月,阿里云在全球拥有超过3200个边缘节点,中国境内拥有超过2300个节点,覆盖31个省级区域,中国境外拥有超过900个节点,网络覆盖70多个国家和地区,全网带宽输出能力超过180Tbps。边缘云节点通过广泛的地域覆盖和去中心化小型云 ...