The Fujifilm X100VI is the internet’s favorite camera. I’ve owned it for nearly a year, and it may be worth the hype.
相机界近年再掀起采用固定镜头的轻便机款潮流,如 Fujifilm 去年推出的X100VI开卖时一机难求,炒风更持续至今。厂商刚在捷克举行的X Summit发布会再接再厉,发布被喻为中片幅版X100VI的GFX100RF,旁轴风格机身大小与X-Pro ...
紧随其后的是Nikon Z50II,这款相机凭借其出众的性价比和良好的操控性,成为了不少新手摄影师的入门首选。Ricoh GR IIIx和Ricoh GR III紧密相随,以紧凑的机身设计和出色的街拍能力赢得了众多粉丝。
Meanwhile, there are still lengthy lead times for Fujifilm X100VI orders a year since its release, and finding a Canon ...
But while most fixed-lens cameras like the X100VI create intentional limitations and encourage you to shoot more than you ...
Rumors have been circulating about a medium compact camera for a while, but now it's official - the Fujifilm GFX100RF is ...
We spoke to Yuji Igarashi, Divisional Manager of Fujifilm's Professional Imaging Group about the future of the X-Pro series, ...
Medium format photography is typically a pursuit that's left to professionals and serious photo hobbyists, simply because ...