Both the Apple and Pixel watches along with most Fitbit devices can track numerous exercises and are capable of automatically ...
新浪科技在这次活动中也有幸与杰夫、珊瑚有一个简短的对话。作为Apple Watch Ultra 2的资深用户,同时又是专业的极限运动员,珊瑚对于这块智能手表最大的感受就是:一旦用了它的功能,就没法退回到原来的那些手表了。
苹果当前 Apple Watch 仅正面使用玻璃覆盖屏幕,而新专利提出用玻璃包裹表壳多个侧面,这种设计减少表壳接缝数量,视觉更简洁,同时降低液体渗入风险。 IT之家援引专利描述,侧边玻璃内嵌显示屏,可动态切换按钮布局(如方向键、开始 / ...
近日,知名科技资讯平台patentlyapple披露了一项关于苹果公司的最新专利进展,这项专利涉及Apple Watch的表壳设计,其独特之处在于整个表壳完全由玻璃材质打造。与现有Apple ...
The iPhone 17 could bring 8K video recording to Apple devices for the first time. Here are all the details on this.
Amazon and Best Buy are both offering a four-pack of Apple AirTags keyfinders for only $64.49. That's over $35 off the retail price and only $16.10 for each AirTag. This is a very practical accessory ...
Our pick for the best portable charger overall, which has two USB-C ports, one USB-A port, and a built-in A/C plug, is 22 ...
We found a handy tool to take the guesswork out for you, which reviewers rave is a “fun and helpful addition” to their ...
The SE line comes with the smallest size option and bare minimum specs, making it the go-to budget option for most smartwatch ...
【环球网科技综合报道】3月25日,据外媒最新报道,苹果公司已放弃用塑料材质打造Apple Watch SE的计划 ...