5 天
Macworld on MSNThe Apple Watch SE might not have a future in plastics after allApple has offered plastic devices as cheaper options in the past, notably the original iBook and iPhone 5c. It was also ...
26 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNiPhone 5c:苹果最失败的尝试?揭秘背后故事!在苹果的辉煌历史中,诞生了许多经典之作,但要说最失败的产品,非iPhone 5c莫属。这款手机在发布之初就承载着众多期待,然而最终的市场表现却远未达到预期。 2013年,苹果推出了iPhone 5c,它与旗舰机型iPhone ...
23 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNiPhone 5c:苹果的失误之作在苹果辉煌的产品序列中,iPhone 5c宛如一颗黯淡的星,被视为苹果史上最失败的iPhone之一。它于2013年9月登场,承载着苹果开辟新市场的期望,却在上市后遭遇滑铁卢,销量远未达预期,很快便被市场遗忘。 从设计上看,iPhone 5c背离了苹果一贯的高端质感。它采用塑料材质机身,虽有绿、黄、粉、蓝、白五种鲜艳配色,试图以青春活力吸引年轻群体,但塑料外壳给人廉价之感,与苹果用户习惯的铝金属和玻 ...
The release of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c in September last year marked a departure from Apple's usual strategy of releasing one new iPhone every a year. The launch of the new iPhone would be accompanied ...
On the hunt for a new iPhone? We're here to help with our monthly roundup of the best iPhone deals. We've meticulously searched all of the nation's top retailers and carriers to find only the best ...
21 天
什么值得买 on MSNiPhone 5c手机效果如何?🔎产品描述包装完好,无任何破损! 体验亮点这次苹果手机发布的这款其设计iPhone,吸引广泛的消费者人群。iPhone 5c最终未能达到销售预期,所以苹果5c是最失望的一款数码产品了! 这款苹果5c采用了塑料机身,与同时发布的iPhone ...
The first new iPhone in ages for under a grand, the iPhone 16e trickles down the great iPhone experience to more friendly ...
Even though the iPhone 16e makes some cut-backs, this entry-point to Apple's iPhone range delivers power without the hefty price ...
In Apple’s world, a cheap phone is all relative – and your options aren’t nearly as extensive as they once were. The most affordable iPhone option now starts at $599/£599, which is a big leap from ...
The iPhone 16 is one of the most popular phones on the market. As a result, iPhone deals can be found just about anywhere. Whether you're shopping for the budget-friendly iPhone SE or the powerful ...
Last July, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reported that Apple started investigating the use of a plastic case on an Apple Watch SE to make a watch that could compete with its cheapest rivals.