I f you've been eyeing the iPhone 16 Plus but hesitating due to its high price, here’s some good news for you. Vijay Sales is currently offering a discount of over Rs 11,000 on ...
The Galaxy S25 Plus is a tougher sell given how it shares the same set of Galaxy AI features and cameras found on the cheaper ...
2025年2月11日,三星电子面向中国市场正式推出新一代高端旗舰智能手机三星GalaxyS25系列,包含三星GalaxyS25Ultra、GalaxyS25+以及GalaxyS25三款产品。革命性体验,尽展科技魅力,三星每代产品的核心竞争力总是出乎意 ...
近期,苹果公司在全球发布的iOS18操作系统中,引入了一项名为“Apple Intelligence”的人工智能功能,这一创新引发了广泛关注。然而,由于技术合作方的限制,该AI功能无法直接在中国市场应用,这促使苹果开始寻找中国本土的合作伙伴。
正值乙巳蛇年正月十五元宵节,在这个象征着团圆与焕新的传统佳节里,大家在赏灯团聚之余,是否已经开始筹备打造或升级自己的电脑主机了呢。今天就为朋友们推荐一款来自AMD(超威)的锐龙7 ...
中关村在线消息:根据数据统计机构IDC发布数据,华为平板电脑在年度市场中占据了32.3%的份额。新款华为MatePadPro13.2凭借鸿蒙系统加持增强了平板的互联能力,提升了生产力属性,进一步巩固了华为在高端市场的影响力 ...
简介:新款比亚迪秦PLUS智驾版除了外观和内饰做出了facelift之外,动力上升级了DM 5.0系统,增加了天神之眼 C智驾功能,提升比较全面。
You’ll find Saatva mattresses featured several times in our best mattress guide, with our testers praising them for high ...
The Galaxy S25 Ultra uses four small tabs to hold the battery in place. If you need to remove it, you just pull those tabs up and the battery releases with ease. It’s a much simpler method than iPhone ...
T-Mobile is expanding its Starlink beta program. Now, anyone in the U.S. has a chance to connect to SpaceX's satellites.
This charging station has a hinged crane that you can dock your iPhone on, letting you adjust its height up to 4.7 inches ...
Across healthcare system, stakeholders share blame for high costs. This includes hospitals, drugmakers, insurers and others ...