The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus launch this September represented a departure from tradition for Apple ... As far as the cameras are concerned, the Apple iPhone 7 on the rear packs a 12-megapixel ...
The iPhone 6 Plus breaks a lot of the rules and defies a lot of the logic that Apple has stuck to for a number of years. It's a copycat device, it chases a market that the company did not create for ...
The iPhone 14 is now fully available in-store and online, while the iPhone 14 Plus is currently only available for pre-order. It will be available starting October 7. The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone ...
The iPhone 16 Plus comes with 6.7-inch OLED display and Apple's A18 processor. Specs also include Dual camera at the back and better battery life than the previous model.
在当前手机市场竞争激烈、技术日新月异的背景下,苹果公司再度推出了其最新款iPhone 15 Plus。该产品的发布吸引了广泛关注,标志着苹果在高端智能手机领域继续创新和向前迈进。随着消费者对技术性能、拍照能力和续航需求的不断增强,iPhone 15 Plus的技术革新与深度解析成为市场研究的重要课题。
This update to the iPhone series features an improved camera, processor, and battery, plus it's water-resistant. Other features are similar, including a pressure-sensitive screen with haptic ...
在智能手机的迭代浪潮中,iPhone 7或许不是最耀眼的那颗星,但它却是苹果历史上最具矛盾性、也最值得怀念的机型之一。作为全金属机身的终章、小屏时代的余晖,iPhone ...
对于钟爱小屏手机的用户而言,这一消息无疑是个沉重的打击。随着SE系列也逐渐向大屏幕转型,如iPhone 16e屏幕尺寸跃升至6.1英寸,小屏手机爱好者似乎只能在安卓阵营中寻找心仪的选择。 这一转变的背后,是iPhone 12 mini和iPhone ...
The iPhone 17 lineup has the potential to be Apple's most significant release in years, setting the stage for a major shift in design and technology. The iPhone 17 is likely to roll out with design ...
IT之家 3 月 24 日消息,据外媒 Phone Arena 今日报道,一名 Verizon 运营商用户在网上分享了自己的离奇经历:他通过 Verizon 应用为新号码订购了一部 iPhone 15 ...
苹果不再冒险:iPhone mini已死,小屏机时代的终结 随着科技的不断进步,智能手机市场也在持续变化。最近有消息称,苹果公司目前没有计划重新引入低于6英寸的小屏机型,这意味着小屏爱好者们可能要告别这个曾经熟悉的屏幕尺寸。本文将就此现象进行深入探讨,分析其背后的原因,并展望未来手机市场的发展趋势。 首先,我们必须明确一点,苹果公司做出这一决策并非偶然。在过去的几年里,iPhone mini等小屏 ...