在最近的游戏开发者大会(GDC2025)上,V社的创始人之一、现任首席营销官Monica Harrington分享了一段饶有趣味的往事,涉及到她侄子对盗版游戏的尝试,以及V社在游戏产业中如何应对这一愈演愈烈的挑战。这不仅是对过去的一次回顾,更是对今日游戏产业版权保护的深入探讨。
"My own nephew had just used a $500 check I'd sent him for school expenses and bought himself a CD-ROM replicator, so he sent ...
The terms of the deal, Harrington said, was that Valve would fund all but $1 million of the development costs of Half-Life's ...
在近日举办的游戏开发者大会(GDC 2025)上,V社创始人之一,现任首席营销官Monica Harrington在演讲中谈到了当年V社在游戏中加入DRM(数字版权管理)版权保护的原因,并分享公司成立初期的趣事。
Ex-Valve CMO Monica Harrington, in a recent panel from the Game Developer's Conference, once again remembered an era where ...
Game Developer's Conference, and one of this year's most interesting talks was delivered by Monica Harrington, a founding ...
在 GDC 2025 期间,Valve 的创始成员之一,兼公司现任首席营销官 Monica Harrington 发表了演讲,回顾了公司的发展历程。其中它讨论了公司成立初期的轶事,而正式这件轶事导致 V 社最终为自己的游戏添加了 ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device Half-Life is $2 on ...
No arrests had been made in the blazes that torched several Teslas the day before, and some owners were worried about ...