Nearly a decade after the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, Republican legislators in nine states are pushing resolutions calling for repeal of the ruling. Meanwhile, ...
While all three female leads are fascinating to watch, Maggie Wilken stood out the most, and the Three Women character is ...
Legislation in at least five of those states is nearly identical, the result of an orchestrated campaign by MassResistance, ...
The North Dakota Senate on Thursday rejected a resolution that would have asked the Supreme Court to revisit its landmark 2015 ruling on marriage equality. Senators voted 31-16 against the ...
The North Dakota Senate on Thursday rejected a resolution that would have asked the Supreme Court to revisit its landmark 2015 ruling on marriage equality. Senators voted 31-16 against the resolution, ...
Here's what to know about the resolution and the Supreme Court's nearly decade-old same-sex marriage ruling. What did the North Dakota same-sex marriage resolution say? The text of the resolution ...
BISMARCK, ND – (NorthDakotaMoniter) The North Dakota Senate rejected a resolution Thursday that would have urged the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its same-sex marriage ruling from 2015. Members ...
People listen to opposition testimony on a resolution that would urge the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at ...