报道称 Opera 推出了名为 Opera Air 的全新网页浏览器,将冥想(Meditation,训练注意力和意识,让人从反射性和散乱的思维中解脱出来的练习)和健康 ...
据悉,知名浏览器开发商Opera推出了一款名为Opera Air的全新网页浏览器,这款浏览器将冥想与健康理念深度融入用户的网络浏览体验中,旨在帮助 ...
Called “Opera Air,” the browser arrives as another option from the company instead of replacing the primary Opera browser or the gaming-centric Opera GX. The browser, Opera says, is built ...
With a sleek, minimalist design, Opera Air has the UI of a meditation app. In fact, it is a mediation app. Along with music for creative inspiration, it provides guided meditation and breathing ...
Opera Air is a mindfulness-based browser focused on relaxation and mental health, with built-in mood music and meditative ...
Stress is rampant across the world these days. It's practically unavoidable. From politics, finances, work, school, and relationships, everything seems to be getting wrapped up in a cocoon of ...
developed a new "mindful browser" called Opera Air that aims to lower stress and improve focus while working. The browser, launched early this month, is available for download on MacOS and Windows.