What we know so far is a new game is in the works, and it seems likely to be inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 or The Witcher. With Scopely on board, it’s also likely to be a mobile ti ...
Niantic, the SF tech company selling off Pokémon Go and other parts of its gaming business while spinning off a geospatial ...
The collaboration between CD Projekt Red and Scopely was announced during the former’s latest financial earnings call, as caught by VGC. No details were confirmed other than the fact that the game ...
CD Projekt is partnering with Scopely for a game based on its IP. The partnership was announced during CD Projekt ‘s earnings ...
In a landmark deal valued at $3.85 billion, Niantic has sold its popular augmented reality games, including Pokémon Go, Pikmin Bloom, and Monster Hunter Now, to Scopely—a subsidiary owned by Saudi ...
十年前,猩猩(Niantic)带着Ingress横空出世,靠着玩家们走街串巷、拍照扫描、提交Portal数据,逐渐搭建起自己的AR帝国。如今,猩猩却一把将Pokémon GO、Pikmin Bloom、Monster Hunter ...
Scopely, a mobile game publisher owned by a Saudi royal investment fund, announced its $3.5 billion investment in Pokémon GO ...
全家携手任天堂旗下作品《皮克敏》启动春日冒险旅程,首波自即日起至4月1日,于店内单笔消费满200元可获限量「皮克敏纸胶带」,共4种款式随机赠送(不累赠),图面不仅包含经典皮克敏角色,还加入《皮克敏4》全新登场的「冰冻皮克敏」、「发光皮克敏」及「宇宙犬 ...
Pokemon GO director Michael Steranka addresses several community concerns after it was announced Scopely would be helming the ...
In an interview with Polygon, Steranka – who has worked on Pokémon Go for the past eight years – was asked if the Scopely ...
Pokemon GO fans have been bracing for the worst ever since Saudi-backed publisher Scopely officially bought out developer ...
It's a new era for Niantic's mobile hit Pokémon GO now that the games division has been sold to Monopoly Go! maker Scopely ...