The world figure skating championships paused for a tribute to those who died in a plane crash on their way back from a camp ...
The victims of the January plane crash that killed 28 members of the figure skating community were on the minds of the ...
Three people survived a plane crash and waited for 12 hours on the wing of the wrecked plane, which had crashed onto an icy ...
A ceremony is held at the World Figure Skating Championships in Boston to pay tribute to the skaters and coaches who died in ...
Congress is holding a hearing Thursday about the January collision between an American Airlines passenger jet and an Army ...
Good Samaritan Terry Godes and fellow pilots rescued a pilot and two children clinging to a plane’s wing after it crashed ...
Figure skating united on Wednesday as the World Championships in Boston mourned the victims of a January plane crash that ...
Terry Godes, the pilot who found the plane wreckage, said it was a miracle the man and his daughters survived the crash and ...