Scopely, owner of Monopoly Go, has bought Niantic's Pokémon GO, Monster Hunter Now, Pikmin Bloom, and more for $3.5 billion.
Ed Wu 强调,《Pokemon GO》不仅是一款游戏,更是他个人的毕生心血。他自2012 年加入Niantic,并在2015 年成为《Pokemon GO》的第一位工程师。回顾2016 ...
Scopely Inc. recently put down $3.5 billion to buy Pokémon Go, and Bloomberg reports that this is a manifestation of a bigger ...
在Niantic的账本上,这些年来,《Ingress》表现的并不理想,常常依靠《Pokémon GO》的盈利输血。根据数据显示,2024年Niantic整体游戏业务的营收预计将超过10亿美元,而《Pokémon GO》作为旗舰产品,累计收入接近79亿美元,背后却是需分润给多个利益相关方的复杂财务结构。在这些数据背后,玩家们好奇的是,Niantic为何选择将《Pokémon ...
On Wednesday, Pokémon Go maker Niantic announced it was selling its games — which include Nintendo’s Pikmin Bloom and ...
随着电竞市场的竞争愈加激烈,Niantic这一家以增强现实(AR)技术闻名的游戏开发公司,近期迎来了一场轰动的交易:他们以35亿美元的价格将旗下三款热门游戏,包括《Pokémon GO》、《Pikmin Bloom》和《Monster Hunter ...
Pokémon Go, alongside Niantic's broader gaming division, was recently acquired by mobile gaming juggernaut Scopely. The $3.5 ...
A new interview recently released on Polygon with a senior director on Pokémon Go reveals why they think fans shouldn't worry ...
来自沙特阿拉伯的手游公司Scopely以35亿美元正式收购Niantic旗下的游戏业务,包括《Pokemon GO》、《怪物猎人 Now》、《Pikmin Bloom》、《Campfire》和《Wayfarer》。该交易需满足惯例成交条件,包括监管部门的批准。 Scopely首席营收官兼董事会成员Tim O’Brien表示: ...
Niantic’s Pokémon GO sale has shocked fans who are now wary of the many changes that may unfold following the acquisition.
With Niantic offloading its video game division to a new owner, Pokemon GO Scopely is now starting a new chapter. Despite the game still being popular, it has been criticized for some mechanics ...
The director of Pokemon Go has addressed some of the concerns players have following the acquisition by Scopely.