VTOL X-Plane showcased ambitious goals for vertical flight and speed, yet program cancellation exposed new directions in aviation research.
One of these companies, Sikorsky, decided to go the way of a rotor blown wing. Despite the name sounding a bit pretentious, it's really not. We're basically talking about a wing with motors and ...
Based in Boston, Ben covers advanced air mobility and is managing editor of Aviation Week Network’s AAM Report. Sikorsky Unveils New S-92 Gearbox And Flight Tests Rotor Blown Wing is available to both ...
The Week In Technology, March 17-21, 2025 is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical analysis into emerging ...
After several years of work, Sikorsky, owned by Lockheed Martin, has finally developed and proven the operability of a new type of aircraft, the Rotor Blown Wing. Its main feature is the ability to ...
3月10日,洛克希德·马丁公司旗下的西科斯基公司宣布,通过今年早些时候进行的大量飞行测试,该公司已证明了“旋翼吹翼”(rotor blown ...
This week we welcomed the news from the CAA and Ofcom that the 978MHz spectrum is being made available to drones. Plane Finder has been busy with 978MHz for several years now. In the USA, we’ve ...
Airbus Helicopters and Metro Aviation have signed a deal that could provide up to 36 H140s to the emergency medical services ...