Apple has reportedly placed orders for around $1 billion worth of NVIDIA's new GB300 NVL72 AI servers, powered with Blackwell ...
近期大作频出,《怪物猎人:荒野》《刺客信条:影》等3A大作对硬件性能要求再上一个台阶,显卡升级也成为了近期热门话题。AMD最新发布的RX 9000系列显卡凭借强悍的性能、亲民的价格,让不少玩家转投AMD,今天来看看蓝宝石推出的NiTRO+ 氮动RX ...
The 9070 XT is taking on the last-gen king, the 7900 XTX. But can it compete? It has the features, but its specs suggest it'll be a close battle.
This new graphics card has reportedly been a "fantastic success" compared to other AMD Radeon gaming GPU launches in their first week.
Even AMD, which heavily emphasized offering GPUs for the mainstream market (which, according to AMD, means prices below $700), is struggling to supply cards at MSRP. The cheapest RX 9070 XT on Amazon ...
There's a good few ways of getting Linux on handhelds and living room PCs, with ChimeraOS Linux being one of the great ones.
Availability faceplants immediately AMD’s Lisa Su is popping champagne corks this month after the Radeon RX 9000 graphics ...
近日AMD在中国举办了新一届AI创新峰会,CEO苏姿丰博士亲临现场演讲,并在会后接受了华硕“托尼大叔”的采访,话题主要是近期发布的新品。在说到RX 9070系列显卡的时候,苏姿丰表示:“当然,大家都喜欢非常高端的GPU,但不是人人都负担得起。RX ...
近期,游戏界掀起了一股前所未有的热潮,众多3A级大作如雨后春笋般涌现,为玩家们带来了一场视觉与操作的双重盛宴。从《怪物猎人:荒野》的震撼发布,让玩家仿佛踏入了一个充满未知与危险的野生世界,到《刺客信条:影》的强势来袭,迅速登顶多个国家和地区的Stea ...
最近,关于显卡市场的一则消息引发了众多玩家和硬件爱好者的关注。AMD首席执行官苏姿丰博士,也被亲切地称为\u201c苏妈\u201d,在一次采访中透露,AMD最新推出的RX 9070 XT显卡取得了令人惊喜的成绩。据悉,这款基于RDNA ...
A Chiphell forum member shared details about their new AMD Radeon RX 9070 non-XT MBA card. This upgrade came as part of a ...