Latest HID State of Security and Identity Report reveals shift toward software-driven solutions, platformization and AI. As organizations navigate an increasingly complex threat landscape, security ...
Based on its own data collected for the year 2024*, a cybersecurity firm has publicized some findings about last year’s threat landscape. First, the 2024 data showed that 61% of the time, hackers had ...
Work-from-home and social media dominate Q4 2020 email scams. In the fourth quarter of 2020, real phishing emails that were reported to IT departments related to working from home are on the rise.
Fortunately, successful white-hat “model-hackings” now will harden such vehicles against real hackers. For those who have been eagerly observing the steady move towards autonomous driving, the last ...
In H1 2024, organizations benefiting from using Kubernetes development environments and a cloud security platform betrayed some high-risk cloud vulnerability habits… Based on analyzing Jan through ...
Here are the tips and strategies that governments around the world can take away from the cyberattack and the recovery lags On 26 June 2024, more than 230 Indonesian government agencies experienced ...
Based on a November 2024 survey of 400 IT security decision makers* by a cybersecurity firm on the topic of AI in cybersecurity (particular generative AI), some findings have been published. First, 65 ...
According to Check Point’s latest Threat Intelligence data, organizations in APAC faced an average of 2,915 attacks per week over the last six months. This is significantly higher than the global ...
One qualitative conclusion in a cybersecurity firm’s annual threat analysis is that cybercrime has evolved into a complex, self-sustaining chain reaction Based on a yearly data-driven process of ...
Most people understand deepfake technology through the lens of fun apps that allow users to prank friends by swapping or modifying faces in photos. However, when such visual tools are used for faking ...
At least this is what one cybersecurity firm suspects of a new ransomware group emerging in Dec 2024… A ransomware group that had first emerged late last year has rapidly gained prominence by ...
A recent vulnerability in the MAC layer protocols in wireless networks has opened a Pandora’s Box for further intensive 5G research A recent vulnerability called SPARROW (CVD-2021-0045) has been ...