The agricultural industry widely uses urea, a white crystalline solid containing 46 percent nitrogen, as an animal feed additive and fertilizer. Here, we’ll focus on its role as a nitrogen fertilizer.
The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program allows those working with beef cattle to learn more about best management practices, herd health, and animal stewardship. The program's goal is to create a ...
Know what genetic type of corn you are planting. Isolate different types of corn to prevent cross-pollination. Direct seed corn in the garden after the soil has warmed. Irrigate to prevent drought ...
Farm Transition and Estate Planning workshops and retreats provide farm families with the tools and skills to move forward with developing their farm business transition and personal estate plans.
Join Extension foresters to discuss some of the key issues and questions around forest and woodlands facing Minnesota land stewards. These online sessions will be very informal, open to the public and ...
Voles can cause damage to small trees and shrubs. They can have multiple litters in a year, and every 3 to 5 years there is a population boom. Lawn damage is most visible in the spring. Prevent and ...
Chinese cabbage and bok choy are fall crops in Minnesota. Grow in well-drained yet moisture-retentive, fertile soil with pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Plant in an area where you have not grown cabbage, broccoli, ...
The University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener volunteer program started in 1977 with its first class of 25 people. Since then it has grown to include more than 3,100 active master gardeners ...
Rhizosphaera needle cast is a fungal disease of spruce trees that causes needles to turn brown and fall off. Trees stressed from drought, poor planting practices or other factors are more likely to ...
Brown rot is the most serious disease in plums, tart cherries and apricots in Minnesota. This disease damages shoots, twigs and fruit. During ripening and in storage after harvest, brown rot can ...
EPM is a neurologic disease that horses get from eating infected opossum feces. Incoordination, muscle atrophy and loss of feeling around the body are a few signs of illness. Storing feed in ...
This fun-filled, day-long workshop features educational gardening-related speaker sessions. Meet others passionate about gardening, shop vendor booths offering gardening products and services, bid on ...