Parts of the strawberry plant include the crown, roots, leaves, runners, daughter plants, blossoms and fruit. Strawberry plants reproduce via runners. Pollinators are critically important for ...
The highest cost in most, if not all, cattle production systems is feed. Many producers use grazing to reduce costs for their operations. Properly managed pasture-based systems use land efficiently ...
Since 1999, the University of Minnesota has been evaluating, selecting and screening elms for use in Minnesota. They have studied thousands of elms from many varieties. All trees listed below should ...
The agricultural industry widely uses urea, a white crystalline solid containing 46 percent nitrogen, as an animal feed additive and fertilizer. Here, we’ll focus on its role as a nitrogen fertilizer.
Slime molds are present in all soils. They are common on decaying logs, fallen leaves, mulch, lawns with excessive thatch and on strawberry leaves. Control is not usually necessary and they will ...
Cherry leaf spot can be a devastating disease for tart cherries. Leaf spot can be severe in one area and absent a few miles away. Leaf spots are first purple but eventually turn brown. The center of ...
Marketplace challenges have put a strain on local meat processing. The Meat Processing Bottleneck team is addressing the challenges and creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs and rural business ...
Reduced soil erosion, fuel use, time and labor. Building soil organic matter. Improved soil structure. Maintaining options for soil warm up and dry down in the spring months. Conversely, the ...
The best way to make your pasture more productive is to divide your pasture area into a few small paddocks. Horse’s are selective grazers. They tend to eat the forage they prefer and disregard other ...
95% of infectious calf scours is caused by rotavirus, coronavirus, or Cryptosporidium. Dehydration is what kills calves, and correcting with supplemental electrolytes is the most crucial part of any ...
Irrigation is critical for successful strawberry production in the Upper Midwest. Growers can choose between drip tape and overhead sprinklers, or use a combination. There are pros and cons of each ...
White-tailed deer feed on gardens, landscape plants and trees, and agricultural crops. Deer damage has a rough or torn appearance. It does not look cleanly clipped. Deer damage is more likely when ...