The Storyteller, directed by Ananth Narayan Mahadevan, is a tale of two elderly men forming a friendship in an unusual manner. They belong to two different ...
Valentine’s Day is only a month away, and people are already getting themselves ready for the season of love. There will be countless movies and shows on ...
Netflix's psychological drama, The Sand Castle, follows a certain ambiguity in its plot progression, contributed to by a layered narrative treatment. On the ...
What Happens In The Movie? It opens with a scene from the past. Young Philippa Georgiou poisons her own family and kills them in order to win the final challenge of a contest that potentially makes ...
Netflix’s Polish thriller drama, Hound’s Hill, proceeds at the pace of a slow burner, handling multiple issues involving the small town of Zybork, which range from the covering up of diabolical crimes ...