Articolo originale: Attention, Sean Noah Tradotto da Irene Arancio ~~~ Immagina di essere ad una lezione universitaria che si tiene alle 14:00 in un’afosa giornata di inizio giugno. L’estate è… Read ...
Have you ever heard someone point to a broken-down car, refrigerator, or another piece of machinery and claim, “they just don’t make them like they used to”? According to the theory of retrogenesis, ...
Nerissa received her MSci in Neuroscience from The University of Nottingham where she studied the protective effects of hypothermia on brain physiology. During her placement year, she investigated the ...
A form of DNA modification in which methyl groups (A small molecule made of one carbon and three hydrogen atoms) are added to DNA. This type of marking affects gene expression and can either increase ...