These corals will extend their tentacles during the day and retract them at night. Using its tiny polyp tentacles, these corals will catch and eat smaller marine organisms that drift by. They also ...
These crabs will cover their bodies in algae, sponges and other materials to blend into their environment and hide from predators. The southern spider crab is tan-brown in color with a triangle shaped ...
Yellow cup corals usually retract their polyp tentacles at night and extend them during the day. Using their polyps, yellow cup corals filter organic compounds and small marine organisms from the ...
French angelfish pair up with a single partner to breed (they are "monogamous"). The pair will forage and defend their territory together. Juvenile french angel fish provide "cleaning stations" where ...
These fish are fairly common in areas with dense Acropora coral growth. Blueline rabbitfish are also called masked rabbitfish because of the mask-like black line running across their face. These fish ...
These jellyfish have stinging cells in their tentacles that they use to stun their prey and defend themselves from predators. In the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Ocean, thimble jellies can live at ...
Peppermint shrimp are tiny, only reaching a size of 1.25 - 2.25 inches (3.175 - 5.715 centimeters). Peppermint shrimp are native to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. They are most commonly found ...
Dwarf seahorses only grow to be about 1.0 inch (2.5 centimeters) long. Found along the Caribbean, Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico, dwarf seashores like to live in coral reefs, mangroves, and any ...
Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program (STCRP) has documented sea turtle activities and the status of shoreline habitat along 35 miles of coastline since 1982. This area ...
Enjoy white sand beaches? Thank a parrotfish! When parrotfish scrape algae off of rocks and coral skeletons, they grind up bits of the reef material, and excrete it as fine, white sand! Parrotfish are ...
Mote Marine Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks to diversify its work force. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color ...
Coral catsharks are nocturnal hunters, meaning they feed at night. These sharks like to inhabit coral reef communities in shallow coastal waters. Relatively secluded, coral catsharks can primarily be ...