only six months ago, only yesterday, one asked: “What will he do?” Provisionally torn by contradictions which must be respected, he had chosen silence. But he was one of those rare beings for whom one ...
Are-reading of Production of Commodities by means of Commodities has confirmed my initial impression that it is ‘things’ rather than ‘subjects’ which move around in Sraffa’s construction. In other ...
In the realm of aesthetics, the way a thing is expressed is of a qualitatively different order from what it would be in science. No one will deny that even in science a statement can be made in a ...
The long route from the informal shop-floor democracy of the first Briggs strike to the boardroom wheeling-dealing of the 1950 settlement, and the corresponding dilution and displacement of rank and ...
Hearing of Weber’s death in 1920, many in the German academic community might have thought the news referred to Alfred Weber, Professor of Economics at the University of Heidelberg. While his elder ...
Agarden gnome is no longer a garden gnome. This is the dilemma facing contemporary art, that is circumscribed by the unhappy concept of post-modernity.footnote * Up until a certain moment (let us take ...
In this novel treatment of an old topic, Norman Geras has found himself facing in two diametrically opposite directions: within the Marxist tradition, there are those who wish to deny legitimate room ...
Art is for making games’, he writes, ‘that’s the message for today’. But even among his admirers it feels as if there’s a lingering misconception about Raworth: that because his work is funny, ...
we have no words for the horror of the present, for the ghostly bodies showing through the plastic wrap.footnote * No words for the faces of despair and elation bubbling from the TV screen, faces of ...