Understanding the relationship among our lifestyle, food--what we eat and where it comes from--and even our finances is a key component of good health. Cooperative Extension, a unit of Rutgers New ...
New Jersey is the only state that mandates its state land-grant university to research and recommend solutions for mosquito control. This is the result of the vision of John B. Smith. Smith, then a ...
To get the most accurate diagnosis, here are some guidelines and a few simple questions you should be prepared to answer when contacting us. Please also visit the Lawn & Garden FAQ to find more ...
Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension county offices, found in all 21 New Jersey counties, work to meet the needs of New Jersey residents with all kinds of ...
One of the most widely distributed waterfowl species in the United States is the Canada goose (Branta canadensis). Due to habitat loss and overexploitation in the 19th and early 20th century, the ...
Termites are the most destructive insects to homes. In the U.S., termite control costs alone exceeds $1.5 billion each year. Most people are not aware of termites until significant damage to the ...
Hazelnuts are increasing in popularity worldwide for their use in many products including various confections, nut butters, and baked goods. Current commercial production relies primarily on cultivars ...
Hydrangeas are great plants for the garden whose many benefits have been well recognized by gardeners over the centuries. They provide floral and occasionally foliar interest beginning in late spring ...
The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey ...
Silicon is a mineral present on earth in abundance. The element makes up about 28% of mineral soil by weight. Until recently, this ubiquitous element was not given much attention as a possible ...
History: Originated with Elbert S. Carman in 1890 under the name White Peach. This strain came from Dennis Schlicht and is named after the Wapsipinicon River in northeast Iowa.